Dr Kevin Berwick

List of Publications
(Updated June 2024)
Shades of Green: Lessons in Sustainability from the Emerald Isle, Helen McNally, Kevin Berwick,. Presented at Polytechnic Summit 2022, Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences, June 28th to 30th, 2022
Beyond charge transfer: the impact of Auger recombination and FRET on PL quenching in an rGO-QDs system
Anton A. Babaev , Anastasiia V. Sokolova, Sergei A. Cherevkov, Kevin Berwick, Alexander V. Baranov, Anatoly V. Fedorov, and Aleksandr P. Litvin, Nanomaterials, Submitted, (May 2021)
Influence of the Local Field and Dipole-Dipole Interactions on the Spectral Characteristics of Simple Metals and Their Nanoparticles, I. I. Shaganov & K. Berwick & T. S. Perova, Plasmonics 14:1443–1451, (2019).
Perova, T.; Shaganov, I.; Berwick, K. Accounting for the Local Field When Determining the Dielectric Loss Spectra of Metals in the region of the Frequencies of Volume, Surface, and Localized Plasmon Oscillations. Materials, 13, 631, (2020).
Carbon-based interlayers in perovskite solar cells, Aleksandr P. Litvin, Xiaoyu Zhang, Kevin Berwick, Anatoly V. Fedorov, and Alexander V. Baranov, Submitted, Applied Physics Review, (2019).
Note: InGaAs/InP SPAD asynchronous mode for microsecond range NIR luminescence, P. S. Parfenov, A. P. Litvin, D.A. Onishuk, K. A. Gonchar, K. Berwick, V. Fedorov and A. V. Baranov, Submitted, (2019).
Note: The effect of high background and dead time of an InGaAs/InP single-photon avalanche photodiode on the registration of microsecond range near-infrared luminescence, P. S. Parfenov, A. P. Litvin, D. A. Onishchuk, K. A. Gonchar, K. Berwick, A. V. Fedorov and A. V. Baranov, Submitted (2018).
The effect of the local field and dipole-dipole interactions on the absorption spectra of noble metals and the plasmon resonance of their nanoparticles, I.I. Shaganov, T.S. Perova, K. Berwick, Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications 27, 24–31,(2017).
”Photoluminescence of Lead Sulfide Quantum Dots of Different Sizes in a Nanoporous Silicate Glass Matrix”, Aleksandr P. Litvin, Anton A. Babaev, Peter S. Parfenov, Elena V. Ushakova, Mikhail A. Baranov, Olga V. Andreeva, Kevin Berwick, Anatoly V. Fedorov and Alexander V. Baranov, J. Phys. Chem. C, 121 (15), pp 8645–8652, (2017).
"The Influence of Phthalocyanine Aggregation on CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dot Surfaces on the Photophysical Properties of Their Complexes, Martynenko, Irina; Orlova, Anna; Maslov, Vladimir; Fedorov, Anatoly; Berwick, Kevin; Baranov, Alexander, Beilstein J Nanotechnol. 7: 1018–1027, (2016).
"Level Anticrossing of Impurity States in Semiconductor Nanocrystals" by Anvar Baimuratov, Ivan Rukhlenko, Vadim Turkov, Irina Ponomareva, Mikhail Leonov, Tatiana Perova, Kevin Berwick, Alexander Baranov, and Anatoly Fedorov,. Sci. Rep. 4, 6917; (2014).
"Self-organization of colloidal PbS quantum dots into highly-ordered superlattices"Authors: Baranov, Alexander; Ushakova, Elena; Golubkov, Valery; Litvin, Aleksandr; Parfenov, Peter; Fedorov, Anatoly; Berwick, Kevin, Langmuir, Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/la503913z Publication Date (Web): 16 Dec (2014)
Near Infrared Spectral and Transient Measurements of PbS Quantum Dots Luminescence: Petr Parfenov, Aleksandr Litvin, Elena Ushakova, Anatoly Fedorov, Alexander Baranov, and Kevin Berwick, Review of Scientific Instruments, (2013)
M. V. Mukhina, V. G. Maslov, A. V.Baranov, A. V. Fedorov and K. Berwick, Photoinduced anisotropy in an ensemble of CdSe/ZnS quantum rods, RSC Adv., (2013).
V. A. Tolmachev, A. V. Baldycheva, K. Berwick, and T. S. Perova, Influence of Fluctuations of the Geometrical Parameters on the Photonic Band Gaps in One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals, Progress In Electromagnetic Research, 126, 285-302 (2012).
Anna Baldycheva, Vladimir A. Tolmachev, Kevin Berwick, and Tatiana S. Perova, Multi-channel, Si-Liquid Crystal Filter, with Fine Tuning Capability of Individual Channels for Compensation of Fabrication Tolerances, Nanoscale Research Letters, 7(1), 387/1-7 (2012).
V.A. Tolmachev, K. Berwick, and T.S. Perova, The influence of light beam convergence on the stop-bands of a one-dimensional photonic crystal, PIER, Vol. 140, pp. 369-384 (2013). (DOI:10.2528/PIER13041703)
А.O. Orlova, Yu. A. Gromova, V. G. Maslov, O. V. Andreeva, A.V. Baranov, A.V. Fedorov, A.V. Prudnikau, M.V. Artemyev, K. Berwick, Reversible Photoluminescence Quenching of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots Embedded in Porous Glass by Ammonia Vapor, (2013)
V.A. Tolmachev, V.A. Melnikov, A.V. Baldycheva, K. Berwick, T.S. Perova, Electrically tunable Fabry-Pérot resonator based on microstrcutured Si containing liquid crystal, Progress In Electromagnetic Research, 122, 293-309 (2012).
A. Baldycheva, V. Tolmachev, T. Perova, K. Berwick, Yu. Zharova and E. Astrova, Design, fabrication and Optical Characterization of Multi-Component Photonic Crystals for Integrated Si Microphotonics, Silicon Photonics VI SPIE Proc., vol. 7943, 79430F, 1-11 (2011).
A. Baldycheva, V. Tolmachev, T. Perova, Y. Zharova, E. Astrova and K. Berwick, Silicon photonic crystal filter with ultrawide passband characteristics, Optics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 10 1854-1856 (2011).
Anna Baldycheva, Vladimir A. Tolmachev, Tatiana S. Perova, and Kevin Berwick, “Formation of infrared regions of transparency in one-dimensional silicon photonic crystals”, IEEE, Photon.Technol.Lett., 23, N4, 200-202 (2011).
Shaganov, Igor; Perova, Tatiana; Melnikov, Vasily; Dyakov, Sergey; and Berwick, Kevin, "The Size Effect on the Infrared Spectra of Condensed Media under Conditions of 1D, 2D and 3D Dielectric Confinement", J. Phys.Chem. C, 114, N39, 16071-16081 (2010).
V.A. Tolmachev, A.V. Baldycheva, S.A. Dyakov, K. Berwick and T.S. Perova, “Optical contrast tuning in three-component 1D Photonic Crystals”, IEEE, J.Light.Techn., 28 (10), 1521-1529 (2010).
A. V. Baranov, A. O. Orlova, V. G. Maslov, Yu. A. Toporova, E. V. Ushakova, A. V. Fedorov, S. A. Cherevkov, M. V.
Artemyev, T. S. Perova, and K. Berwick, “Dissociative CdSe/ZnS quantum dot-molecule complex for luminescent sensing of metal ions in aqueous solutions”, Journal of Applied Physics, 108, N7, 074306 (2010).
A.V. Baranov, K.V. Bogdanov, A.V. Fedorov, M.V. Yarchuk, A.I. Ivanov, V.P. Veiko and K. Berwick, Micro-Raman characterization of laser-induced local thermo-oxidation of thin chromium films, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 42 (10), 707-709, (2011).
S. Yu. Kruchinin, A. V. Fedorov, A. V. Baranov, T. S. Perova, and K. Berwick, Electron-electron scattering in a double quantum dot: Effective mass approach, Journal of Chemical Physics, 133, 104704 (2010).
S. Yu. Kruchinin, A. V. Fedorov, A. V. Baranov, T. S. Perova, and K. Berwick, Double quantum dot photoluminescence mediated by incoherent reversible energy transport, Phys.Rev.B, 81, 245303/1-13 (2010).
Anna V. Baldycheva, Vladimir A. Tolmachev, Tatiana S. Perova and Kevin Berwick, Design of three-component one-dimensional photonic crystals for alteration of optical contrast and omni-directional reflection, Proc. SPIE, vol.7713-72/1-7 (2010).
V.A. Tolmachev, А .V. Baldycheva, E.Yu. Krutkova, T.S. Perova and K. Berwick, Optical characteristics of a one-dimensional photonic crystal with an additional regular layer, Proceedings SPIE, V. 7390, pp. 739017/1-739017/10 (2009).
S.Yu. Kruchinin,A. V. Fedorov, A. V. Baranov, T.S. Perova and K. Berwick, Resonant energy transfer in quantum dots: Frequency-domain luminescent spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B, 78, 125311/1-13 (2008).
I. D. Rukhlenko, A. V. Fedorov, A. V. Baranov, T.S. Perova and K. Berwick, Tip-enhanced secondary emission of a semiconductor quantum dot, Phys. Rev. B, 77, 045331/1-045331/10 (2008). (also Vir. J. Nan. Sci. & Tech. / Volume 17 / Issue 6 / Optical Properties and Quantum Optics.
A. V. Fedorov, A. V. Baranov, I. D. Rukhlenko, T.S. Perova and K. Berwick, Quantum dot energy relaxation mediated by plasmon emission in doped covalent semiconductor heterostructures, Phys. Rev.B., 76 (4) 045332/1-7 Vir. J. Nan. Sci. & Tech. / Volume 16 / Issue 6 / Optical Properties and Quantum Optics. (2007).
V.A. Tolmachev, T.S. Perova, and K. Berwick, Design of 1D composite photonic crystals with an extended photonic band gap, J. Appl. Phys., 99, 033507/1 – 033507/5 (2006). (Also published in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, February 13, vol.13, N 6, pp.033507/1-033507/5 (2006)).
Alyona Sukhanova, Alexander V Baranov, Dmitriy Klinov, Vladimir Oleinikov, Kevin Berwick, Jacques H M Cohen, Michel Pluot and Igor Nabiev, Self-assembly of charged microclusters of CdSe/ZnS core/shell nanodots and nanorods into hierarchically ordered colloidal arrays, Nanotechnology 17(16):4223-8 (2006).
A.V. Baranov, A.V. Fedorov, T.S. Perova and R.A. Moore, V. Yam, D. Bouchier, V. Le Thanh, K. Berwick, “Analysis of Strain and Intermixing in a Single Layer Ge/Si dots using polarized Raman Spectroscopy”, Phys. Rev. B, 73, 075322/1-075322/6 (2006).
I.I. Shaganov, T.S. Perova, R.A. Moore and K. Berwick, The effect of the internal field on the absorption spectra of small particles in 3D, 2D and 1D size confinement, J.Phys.Chem., B109, 9885-9891 (2005).
K. Berwick, D. Nardone, Use of Advanced Synthesis Tools in teaching VLSI Design, The Syndicated, Synplify Technical Journal, Volume 5 (4) , (2005).
Vladimir Tolmachev, Tatiana Perova and Kevin Berwick, Design criteria and optical characteristics of 1D photonic crystals based on periodically grooved silicon, Applied Optics, 42, N 28, pp. 5679-5683 (2003).
Cormac Moore, Tatiana Perova, Barry Kennedy, Kevin Berwick, Igor Shaganov, and Alan Moore, Study of structure and quality of different silicon oxides using FTIR and Raman microscopy, Proc. SPIE, 4876, pp.1247-1257 (2003).
Vladimir Tolmachev, Tatiana Perova, Jajgish Vij, Ekaterina Astrova, Kevin Berwick and Alan Moore, FTIR and Raman investigation of vertically etched silicon as 1D photonic crystal, Proc. SPIE, 4876, pp.196-206 (2003).
Igor Shaganov, Tatiana Perova, Kevin Berwick, and Alan Moore, Local field effect on infrared phonon frequencies of thin dielectric films, Proc. SPIE, 4876, pp.1158-1168 (2003).
T.A. Briantseva, Z.M. Lebedeva, D.V. Lioubtchenko, M. Nolan, T.S. Perova, R.A. Moore and K. Berwick, Precise chemical analysis development for Si and GaAs surfaces, J.Material Science: Materials in Electronics, 13, N 6, 315-318, (2002).
II Shaganov, TS Perova, AR Moore and K Berwick, Spectroscopic characterisation of SiO and SiO2 solid films: Assignment and local field influence, J.Material Science: Materials in Electronics, 12, 351-355 (2001).
M Nolan, T.S. Perova, R.A. Moore, C.J. Moore, K. Berwick and H.S. Gamble, Micro-Raman study of stress distribution generated in silicon during proximity rapid thermal diffusion, Mater.Sci. & Engineering, B73, N 1-3, 168-172 (1999).
K Berwick, M R Brozel, C M Buttar, J S Pooni, P J Sellin and S M Young, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 380, 46, (1996).
P Sellin, C M Buttar, K Berwick, M R Brozel, M Cowperthwaite, I.E.E.E Transactions in Nuclear Science, 42, 247, (1995).
K Berwick, M R Brozel, C M Buttar, M Cowperthwaite, P Sellin and Y. Hou, Mat. Sci. and Engineering, B28, 485, (1994).
Non peer-reviewed papers (Extended Proceedings):
TS Perova, C Moore, II Shaganov, K Berwick, D Potapova and RA Moore, Study of Structure and quality of different silicon oxides by using FTIR spectroscopy, Book of Pre-Prints of the 4th International Conference on Materials for Microelectronics and Nanoengineering, 10-12 June 2002 Helsinki, Finland. Published by IOM Communications Ltd., London SW1Y 5DB, UK, pp.303-306, (2002).
I.I. Shaganov, T.S. Perova, A.R. Moore and K. Berwick, The Influence Of The Local Field Effect On The Spectroscopic Characteristics Of SiO2 Solid Films, Book of Pre-Prints of the 3rd International Conference on Materials for Microelectronics, 16-17 October 2000, Dublin Castle, Ireland, pp.263-266.
G. Joyce, C. Moore, T.S. Perova, C. Beitia, A. Kocot, K. Berwick, R.A. Moore, H. Byrne and J.F. McGilp, Structural Properties and Stress Analysis of SiO2 Thin Films, Book of Pre-Prints of the 3rd International Conference on Materials for Microelectronics, 16-17 October 2000, Dublin Castle, Ireland, pp.251-254.
Conference proceedings
A.V. Baldycheva, V.A. Tolmachev, S.A. Dyakov, T.S. Perova, and K. Berwick, “Tuning of the Optical Contrast in Three-component One-dimensional Photonic Crystals”, Photonics Ireland 2009,14-16 September, (2009), Kinsale, County Cork, Ireland, p. B57.
V.A. Tolmachev, А .V. Baldycheva, E.Yu. Krutkova, T.S. Perova and K. Berwick, Optical characteristics of a one-dimensional photonic crystal with an additional regular layer, SPIE conference in Munich, Poster (June 14-17th).
I.I. Shaganov, T.S. Perova, R.A. Moore and K. Berwick, The effect of the internal field dispersion on absorption spectra of micro-structural composites for the cases of 3D, 2D and 1D confinement, International Conference on Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces (OSI-V), Leon, Mexico 26-30 May, (2003) (Oral presentation).
T.S. Perova, I. Shaganov, K. Berwick, D. Potapova, C. Moore, and R.A. Moore, FTIR reflection-absorption study of SiOx dielectric films, SPIE Regional Meeting on Optoelectronics, Photonics and Imaging, Opto-Ireland 2002, 5-6 September, (2002), Galway, Ireland. (Poster).
V. Tolmachev, T.S. Perova, J. Vij, E. Astrova, K. Berwick and R.A. Moore, FTIR and Raman investigation of vertically etched silicon as 1D photonic crystal, SPIE Regional Meeting on Optoelectronics, Photonics and Imaging, Opto-Ireland 2002, 5-6 September, (2002), Galway, Ireland. (oral presentation).
I. Shaganov, T.S. Perova, K. Berwick, and R.A. Moore, Local field effect on infrared phonon frequencies of thin dielectric films, SPIE Regional Meeting on Optoelectronics, Photonics and Imaging, Opto-Ireland 2002, 5-6 September, (2002), Galway, Ireland. (Oral presentation).
T.S. Perova, C. Moore, I.I. Shaganov, K. Berwick, D. Potapova and R.A. Moore, Study of structure and quality of different silicon oxides by using FTIR and Raman microscopy, 4th International Conference on Materials for Microelectronics, Helsinki, 10-12 June 2002, (Accepted).
I.I. Shaganov, T.S. Perova, R.A. Moore and K. Berwick, The influence of local field effect on spectroscopic characteristics of thin solid films, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Spectroscopy, ICAVS-1, Turku, 19-24 August, (2001), Finland, P18.231.
G. Joyce, C. Moore, T.S. Perova, C. Beitia, A. Kocot, K. Berwick, R.A. Moore, H. Byrne and J.F. McGilp, Structural Properties and Stress Analysis of SiO2 thin films, The 3rd International conference on Materials for Electronics, 16-17 October 2000, Dublin, Ireland.
M. Nolan, T.S. Perova, C.E.Beitia, R.A. Moore, J. McGilp, H.S. Gamble, C. Moore, K. Berwick, Spectroscopic investigations of dopant source borosilicate glass for integrated circuits, NATO/EC Advanced Workshop (ARW)/Spring School “Frontiers of Nano-Optoelectronic Systems: Molecular-Scale Engineering and Processes” SA (PST.ARW 975678) 5068, Kyiv, Ukraine, 22-26th May, 2000, NMSC-4.
M. Nolan, T.S. Perova, C.E.Beitia, R.A. Moore, J. McGilp, H.S. Gamble, C. Moore, K. Berwick, Spectroscopic investigations of dopant source borosilicate glass, The Electrochemical Society 197th Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 14-18, (2000).
T.A. Briantseva, Z.N. Lebedeva, D.V. Lioubtchenko, M. Nolan, T.S. Perova, R.A. Moore and K. Berwick, Precise chemical analysis development for Si and GaAs surfaces, Proceedings of the EUROMAT Meeting, 26-30 September ‘99, Munich, Germany.
M. Nolan, T.S. Perova, R.A. Moore, C.J. Moore H. Byrne, K. Berwick, H.S. Gamble Defect Generation In Silicon During Proximity Rapid Thermal Diffusion, E-MRS 1999 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France) June 1-4, (1999), p. E-21.
K Berwick and M R Brozel, Proc. Defect Recognition and Image Processing of Semiconductors, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., 160, 123, IOP Publishing, Bristol, (1997).
K Berwick, M R Brozel, C Buttar, P Sellin and S M Young, Proc. EXMATEC, Freiburg, Germany, (1996), Materials Science and Engineering., Elsevier Press.
K Berwick and M R Brozel, Proc. Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials, Oxford, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., 146, 635, (1995).
K Berwick, M R Brozel, C M Buttar, M Cowperthwaite and Y. Hou, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., 135, 305, IOP Publishing, Bristol, (1994).
K Berwick, M R Brozel, C M Buttar, M Cowperthwaite and Y. Hou, Proc. MRS Spring Meeting, Symp. F, (1993).
Books, Book Chapter
Tatiana Perova, Vladimir Tolmachev, and Kevin Berwick, Chapter XI. “Design of Composite and Multi-Component One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Structures Based on Silicon” in Nanostructured Semiconductors: from basic research to applications, Eds. P. Granitzer and K. Rumpf, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd. 2013, pp. 451-520. – (published November 2013).
Tatiana Perova, Igor Shaganov and Kevin Berwick, “The Effect of Local Field Dispersion on the Spectral Characteristics of Nanosized Particles and their Composites”, Chapter XX in book "Fourier Transforms – Approach to Scientific Principles", Editor G.S. Nicolić, ISBN 978-953-7619-X-X, pages 405-426 (2011), Publisher Intech (Rijeka, Croatia), free online editions (www.intechopen.com).
Optical Lithography Modelling with MATLAB®, Laboratory Manual to accompany Fundamental Principles of Optical Lithography, by Chris Mack, published December 2010.
Computational Physics using MATLAB®. Laboratory Manual to accompany Computational Physics, 2nd Edition, by Nicholas J. Giordano and Hisao Nakanishi, published September 2012.
K Berwick, ‘The Moon’s lost city’, Astronomy Now, December 2014.
K Berwick, Arcturus, 3 (2) , p6, (2005).
K. Berwick, ‘Orbit’, The Journal of the Irish Astronomical Society, 43 (6), (2001).
K. Berwick, ‘Orbit’, The Journal of the Irish Astronomical Society, 40 (1), (2001).
K. Berwick, ‘Orbit’, The Journal of the Irish Astronomical Society, 39 (5), 85, (2001).
RTE Radio 1, Morning Ireland, 14th September 2021
RTE.ie The chips are down: processor shortage being felt beyond PCs and smartphones, Sunday, 20 Jun 2021